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Why join us?
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chef orchestre machine sidamo violet
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Are you looking for the perfect company?

You've come to the right place.
But we don't claim to be the ideal company.
We're a team of men and women who share the same values:
Respect, Proximity, Innovation, Performance.
We are committed to serving our customers, the building trade.


Our mission?

To provide builders and craftsmen with the tools they need to carry out quality work in complete safety.
Since a good testimonial is worth a thousand words, we'd like to give the floor to our latest recruits, whom we asked the following question: Why join Sidamo?

You'll also find testimonials from our employees describing their day-to-day work.


Here, we take the time to live and work!

In Loir et Cher, reconciling private and professional life is child's play!
To see what your life might be like in our beautiful department, take a look at the video here (and guess which part of the video was shot at Sidamo...).


Video miniature youtube page recrutement